Updated to IBM i 7.4 TR9 e 7.5 TR3 (October 2023)
Download the interactive version for IBM i 7.4 (PDF format)
Download the interactive version for IBM i 7.5 (PDF format)
Articolo di presentazione sul blog FAQ400: https://blog.faq400.com/it/programmazione/rpg/rpg-iv-free-cheatsheet/
Citazione nella newsletter di Seiden Group: https://us2.campaign-archive.com/?u=d4fb541ef661672933c8a62a5&id=117b64b609
Versione tradotta in giapponese da Yoshiki Ushida (Chubu System Co., Ltd.): https://www.cscweb.jp/solution/cs1-rpg-cheatsheet/
Please provide an English version. Thank you.
The cheatsheet is already in English. The examples on GitHub are in English.
The introductory article in English can be found at this link: https://blog.faq400.com/en/programming/rpg-en/rpg-iv-free-cheatsheet-2/